Source code for flipper.kernel.triangulation

''' A module for representing a triangulation of a punctured surface.

Provides five classes: Vertex, Edge, Triangle, Corner and Triangulation.
    A Vertex is a singleton.
    An Edge is an ordered pair of Vertices.
    A Triangle is an ordered triple of Edges.
    A Corner is a Triangle with a chosen side.
    A Triangulation is a collection of Triangles. '''

from itertools import groupby
from math import log, inf
from queue import Queue
from random import choice
import string

import flipper

def norm(value):
    ''' A map taking an edges label to its index.
    That is, x and ~x should map to the same thing. '''
    return max(value, ~value)

[docs]class Vertex: ''' This represents a vertex, labelled with an integer. ''' # Warning: This needs to be updated if the interals of this class ever change. __slots__ = ['label', 'filled'] def __init__(self, label, filled=False): assert isinstance(label, flipper.IntegerType) assert isinstance(filled, bool) self.label = label self.filled = filled def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return ('Singularity ' if self.filled else 'Puncture ') + str(self.label) def __reduce__(self): # Having __slots__ means we need to pickle manually. return (self.__class__, (self.label, self.filled)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.label) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Vertex): return self.label == other.label else: return NotImplemented
[docs]class Edge: ''' This represents an oriented edge, labelled with an integer. It is specified by the vertices that it connects from / to. Its inverse edge is created automatically and is labelled with ~its label. ''' # Warning: This needs to be updated if the interals of this class ever change. __slots__ = ['source_vertex', 'target_vertex', 'label', 'index', 'reversed_edge'] def __init__(self, source_vertex, target_vertex, label, reversed_edge=None): assert isinstance(source_vertex, Vertex) assert isinstance(target_vertex, Vertex) assert isinstance(label, flipper.IntegerType) assert reversed_edge is None or isinstance(reversed_edge, Edge) self.source_vertex = source_vertex self.target_vertex = target_vertex self.label = label self.index = norm(self.label) if reversed_edge is None: reversed_edge = Edge(self.target_vertex, self.source_vertex, ~self.label, self) self.reversed_edge = reversed_edge def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return ('' if self.is_positive() else '~') + str(self.index) def __reduce__(self): # Having __slots__ means we need to pickle manually. return (self.__class__, (self.source_vertex, self.target_vertex, self.label, None)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.label) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Edge): return self.label == other.label else: return NotImplemented def __invert__(self): ''' Return this edge but with reversed orientation. ''' return self.reversed_edge
[docs] def is_positive(self): ''' Return if this edge is the positively oriented one. ''' return self.label == self.index
[docs] def sign(self): ''' Return the sign (+/-1) of this edge. ''' return +1 if self.is_positive() else -1
[docs]class Triangle: ''' This represents a triangle. It is specified by a list of three edges, ordered anticlockwise. It builds its corners automatically. ''' # Warning: This needs to be updated if the interals of this class ever change. __slots__ = ['edges', 'labels', 'indices', 'vertices', 'corners'] def __init__(self, edges): assert isinstance(edges, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(edge, Edge) for edge in edges) assert len(edges) == 3 # Edges are ordered anti-clockwise. We will cyclically permute # these to a canonical ordering, the one where the edges are ordered # minimally by label. best_index = min(range(3), key=lambda i: edges[i].label) self.edges = edges[best_index:] + edges[:best_index] self.labels = [edge.label for edge in self] self.indices = [edge.index for edge in self] self.vertices = [self.edges[1].target_vertex, self.edges[2].target_vertex, self.edges[0].target_vertex] self.corners = [Corner(self, i) for i in range(3)] def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return str(tuple(self.edges)) def __reduce__(self): # Having __slots__ means we need to pickle manually. return (self.__class__, (self.edges,)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.labels)) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Triangle): return self.labels == other.labels else: return NotImplemented def __len__(self): return 3 # This is needed for revered(triangle) to work. # Note that this is NOT the same convention as used in pieces. # There iterating and index accesses return vertices. def __iter__(self): return iter(self.edges) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.edges[index] def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, flipper.IntegerType): return item in self.labels elif isinstance(item, Edge): return item in self.edges elif isinstance(item, Vertex): return item in self.vertices elif isinstance(item, Corner): return item in self.corners else: return NotImplemented
[docs]class Corner: ''' This represents a corner of a triangulation It is a triangle along with a side number (the side opposite this corner). ''' # Warning: This needs to be updated if the interals of this class ever change. __slots__ = ['triangle', 'side', 'edges', 'labels', 'indices', 'vertices', 'label', 'index', 'vertex', 'edge'] def __init__(self, triangle, side): assert isinstance(triangle, Triangle) assert isinstance(side, flipper.IntegerType) self.triangle = triangle self.side = side self.edges = self.triangle.edges[self.side:] + self.triangle.edges[:self.side] self.labels = self.triangle.labels[self.side:] + self.triangle.labels[:self.side] self.indices = self.triangle.indices[self.side:] + self.triangle.indices[:self.side] self.vertices = self.triangle.vertices[self.side:] + self.triangle.vertices[:self.side] self.label = self.labels[0] self.index = self.indices[0] self.vertex = self.vertices[0] self.edge = self.edges[0] def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return str((self.triangle, self.side)) def __reduce__(self): # Having __slots__ means we need to pickle manually. return (self.__class__, (self.triangle, self.side))
# Remark: In other places in the code you will often see L(triangulation). This is the space # of laminations on triangulation with the coordinate system induced by the triangulation.
[docs]class Triangulation: ''' This represents a triangulation of a punctured surface. It is specified by a list of Triangles. Its edges must be numbered 0, 1, ... and its vertices must be numbered 0, 1, ... ''' def __init__(self, triangles): assert isinstance(triangles, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(triangle, Triangle) for triangle in triangles) # We will sort the triangles into a canonical ordering, the one where the edges are ordered # minimally by label. This allows for fast comparisons. self.triangles = sorted(triangles, key=lambda t: [e.label for e in t]) self.edges = [edge for triangle in self for edge in triangle.edges] self.positive_edges = [edge for edge in self.edges if edge.is_positive()] self.labels = sorted([edge.label for edge in self.edges]) self.indices = sorted([edge.index for edge in self.positive_edges]) self.vertices = sorted(set(vertex for triangle in self for vertex in triangle.vertices), key=lambda vertex: vertex.label) assert not all(vertex.filled for vertex in self.vertices) self.corners = [corner for triangle in self for corner in triangle.corners] self.num_triangles = len(self.triangles) self.zeta = len(self.positive_edges) assert self.zeta == self.num_triangles * 3 // 2 self.num_vertices = len(self.vertices) self.num_filled_vertices = len([vertex for vertex in self.vertices if vertex.filled]) self.num_unfilled_vertices = self.num_vertices - self.num_filled_vertices # Check that the vertices are labelled 0, ..., num_vertices-1. assert set(vertex.label for vertex in self.vertices) == set(range(self.num_vertices)) # Check that the edges have indices 0, ..., zeta-1. assert set(self.labels) == set([i for i in range(self.zeta)] + [~i for i in range(self.zeta)]) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension self.triangle_lookup = dict((edge.label, triangle) for triangle in self for edge in triangle.edges) self.edge_lookup = dict((edge.label, edge) for edge in self.edges) self.corner_lookup = dict((corner.label, corner) for corner in self.corners) self.vertex_lookup = dict((corner.label, corner.vertex) for corner in self.corners) # This appears to be one of the slowest bits when there is a high degree vertex. def order_corner_class(corner_class): ''' Return the given corner_class but reorderd so that corners occur anti-clockwise about the vertex. ''' corner_class = list(corner_class) lookup = dict((corner.edges[2], corner) for corner in corner_class) ordered_class = [None] * len(corner_class) ordered_class[0] = corner_class[0] # Get one corner to start at. # Perhaps this should be chosen in some canonical way. Smallest labelled one? # This isn't totally safe: it doesn't check that there aren't multiple cycles. for i in range(len(corner_class)-1): try: ordered_class[i+1] = lookup[~ordered_class[i].edges[1]] except KeyError as err: raise ValueError('Corners do not close up about vertex.') from err if ordered_class[0].edges[2] != ~ordered_class[-1].edges[1]: raise ValueError('Corners do not close up about vertex.') return ordered_class # We want to sort by the vertices so groupby will gather them but this would require adding # orderings to the Vertex class so we'll just sort / group by the vertex label. This should # uniquely determine the vertex. vertexer = lambda corner: corner.vertex.label self.corner_classes = [order_corner_class(g) for _, g in groupby(sorted(self.corners, key=vertexer), key=vertexer)] self.euler_characteristic = self.num_filled_vertices - self.zeta + self.num_triangles # V - E + F. # NOTE: This assumes connected. self.genus = (2 - self.euler_characteristic - self.num_unfilled_vertices) // 2 # The maximum order of a periodic mapping class. # These bounds follow from the 4g + 4 bound on the closed surface [Primer reference] # and the Riemann removable singularity theorem which allows us to cap off the # punctures when the genus > 1 without affecting this bound. # NOTE: This assumes connected. if self.genus > 1: self.max_order = 4 * self.genus + 2 elif self.genus == 1: self.max_order = max(self.num_unfilled_vertices, 6) else: self.max_order = self.num_unfilled_vertices # Two triangualtions are the same if and only if they have the same signature. self.signature = [e.label for t in self for e in t]
[docs] @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, edge_labels, vertex_labels=None, vertex_states=None): ''' Return an Triangulation from a list of triples of edge labels. Let T be an ideal triangulaton of the punctured (oriented) surface S. Orient and edge e of T and assign an index i(e) in 0, ..., zeta-1. Now to each triangle t of T associate the triple j)t) := (j(e_1), j(e_2), j(e_3)) where: - e_1, e_2, e_3 are the edges of t, ordered acording to the orientation of t, and - j(e) = i(e) if the orientation of e agrees with that of t else ~i(e) Here ~x := -1 - x, the two's complement of x. We may describe T by the list [j(t) for t in T]. This function reconstructs T from such a list. edge_labels must be a list of triples of integers and each of 0, ..., zeta-1, ~0, ..., ~(zeta-1) must occur exactly once. Two optional arguments allow the states of vertices to be specified. These are intended to only really be used by pickling methods. Firstly, if given, vertex_labels is a dictionary taking x to the label of the vertex opposite edge x. Vertices can be labelled by anything but using something like 0, ..., num_vertices-1 is sensible. Secondly, if given, vertex_states is a dict, list or tuple of Boolean flags such that the vertex labelled i is filled iff vertex_states[i] == True. ''' assert isinstance(edge_labels, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(labels, (list, tuple)) for labels in edge_labels) assert all(len(labels) == 3 for labels in edge_labels) assert vertex_labels is None or isinstance(vertex_labels, dict) assert vertex_states is None or isinstance(vertex_states, (list, tuple, dict)) assert edge_labels zeta = len(edge_labels) * 3 // 2 # Check that each of 0, ..., zeta-1, ~0, ..., ~(zeta-1) occurs exactly once. flattened = set(label for labels in edge_labels for label in labels) for i in range(zeta): if i not in flattened: raise TypeError('Missing label %d' % i) if ~i not in flattened: raise TypeError('Missing label ~%d' % i) # Return the label and position of the given edge_label. label_lookup = dict((label, (labels, index)) for labels in edge_labels for index, label in enumerate(labels)) # Return the edge label one click round from edge_label. rotate_lookup = dict((label, next_label) for labels in edge_labels for label, next_label in zip(labels, labels[1:] + labels[:1])) # Group the edges into vertex classes. Here two edges are in the same # class iff they have the same tail. unused = [i for i in range(zeta)] + [~i for i in range(zeta)] # pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension vertex_classes = [] while unused: new_vertex = [unused.pop()] while True: label, side = label_lookup[new_vertex[-1]] neighbour = ~label[(side+2) % 3] if neighbour in unused: new_vertex.append(neighbour) unused.remove(neighbour) else: break vertex_classes.append(new_vertex) num_vertices = len(vertex_classes) # Build the vertex_labels if not given. if vertex_labels is None: vertex_labels = dict() # We will label the vertices 0, ..., num_vertices-1 in some order. for index, vertex_class in enumerate(vertex_classes): for edge_label in vertex_class: vertex_labels[rotate_lookup[edge_label]] = index # Sanity check vertex_labels now. # All edges should have a label. # Edges should have the same label iff they are opposite the same vertex. for edge_label in [i for i in range(zeta)] + [~i for i in range(zeta)]: # pylint: disable=unnecessary-comprehension if edge_label not in vertex_labels: raise TypeError('Missing vertex label for edge %d.' % edge_label) for vertex_class in vertex_classes: for edge_label in vertex_class: if vertex_labels[rotate_lookup[edge_label]] != vertex_labels[rotate_lookup[vertex_class[0]]]: raise TypeError('Edges %d and %d should not have different vertex labels.' % (rotate_lookup[edge_label], rotate_lookup[vertex_class[0]])) X = set(vertex_labels.values()) # Check we have the right number of labels. This also checks that distinct vertex_classes have distinct labels. if len(X) != num_vertices: raise TypeError('There are %d vertices but %d vertex labels were given.' % (num_vertices, len(X))) # Build the vertex_states if not given. if vertex_states is None: vertex_states = {label: False for label in X} # Check we have a state for each vertex. for label in X: if label not in vertex_states: raise TypeError('No state given for vertex %s.' % label) # Build the vertices. vertices = [Vertex(label, filled=vertex_states[label]) for label in X] def vertexer(edge_label): ''' Return the vertex at the tail of the given edge label. ''' return vertices[vertex_labels[rotate_lookup[edge_label]]] # Build the Edges. edges_map = dict((i, Edge(vertexer(i), vertexer(~i), i)) for i in range(zeta)) for i in range(zeta): edges_map[~i] = ~edges_map[i] triangles = [Triangle([edges_map[label] for label in labels]) for labels in edge_labels] return cls(triangles)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, signature): ''' Return the triangulation described by the given isomorphism signature. See the appendix of: - Simplification paths in the Pachner graphs of closed orientable, and - 3-manifold triangulations for a more detailed description of this construction. ''' # We will specialise this function for loading isomorphism signatures # of closed 2--manifolds only. This will enable us to remove a lot of # variables and simplify proceedings. assert isinstance(signature, str) char = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + '+-' char_lookup = dict((letter, index) for index, letter in enumerate(char)) perm_lookup = flipper.kernel.permutation.all_permutations(3) def debase(digits, base=64): ''' Return the decimal corresponding to a base64 sequence of digits. ''' return sum(digit * base**index for index, digit in enumerate(digits)) try: values = [char_lookup[letter] for letter in signature] except KeyError as err: raise ValueError('Signature must be a string matching [a-zA-Z0-9+-]*') from err if values[0] < 63: num_chars = 1 num_tri = values[0] start = 1 else: num_chars = values[1] # This must be > 1. num_tri = debase(values[1:num_chars]) start = 1 + num_chars if num_chars == 0: raise ValueError('Signature must specify a character length > 0.') if num_tri == 0: raise ValueError('Signature must specify at least one triangle.') start2 = start + num_tri // 2 # Type sequence is [start:start2]. start3 = start2 + num_chars * (1 + num_tri // 2) # Destination sequence is [start2:start3]. start4 = start3 + (1 + num_tri // 2) # Permutation sequence is [start3:start4]. if start4 != len(values): raise ValueError('Signature must specify permutations for each triangle.') type_sequence = [t for value in values[start:start2] for t in [value % 4, (value // 4) % 4, (value // 16) % 4]] destination_sequence = [debase(values[i:i+num_chars]) for i in range(start2, start3, num_chars)] permutation_sequence = [perm_lookup[value] for value in values[start3:start4]] zeta = 0 num_tri_used = 1 type_index, destination_index, permutation_index = 0, 0, 0 edge_labels = [[None, None, None] for _ in range(num_tri)] triangle_reversed = [None] * num_tri triangle_reversed[0] = False for i in range(num_tri): for j in range(3): if edge_labels[i][j] is None: # Otherwise we have filled in this entry from the other side. try: if type_sequence[type_index] == 0: # We cannot yet handle triangulations with boundary. raise ValueError('Triangulations must be closed and so gluing must not be type 0.') elif type_sequence[type_index] == 1: target, gluing = num_tri_used, perm_lookup[0] triangle_reversed[target] = not triangle_reversed[i] num_tri_used += 1 elif type_sequence[type_index] == 2: target, gluing = destination_sequence[destination_index], permutation_sequence[permutation_index] destination_index += 1 permutation_index += 1 else: raise ValueError('Each gluing must be type 0, 1 or 2.') except IndexError as err: raise ValueError('String does not correspond to a isomorphism signature.') from err type_index += 1 edge_labels[i][j] = zeta edge_labels[target][gluing(j)] = ~zeta zeta += 1 if num_tri_used != num_tri: raise ValueError('Unused triangles. String does not correspond to a isomorphism signature.') # Check there are no unglued edges. if not all(all(entry is not None for entry in row) for row in edge_labels): raise ValueError('Unused edges. String does not correspond to a isomorphism signature.') edge_labels = [edge_labels[i] if triangle_reversed[i] else edge_labels[i][::-1] for i in range(num_tri)] return cls.from_tuple(edge_labels)
def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return str(list(self)) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.triangles) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.triangles[index] def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, Vertex): return item in self.vertices elif isinstance(item, Edge): return item in self.edges elif isinstance(item, Triangle): return item in self.triangles elif isinstance(item, Corner): return item in self.corners else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def package(self): ''' Return a small amount of info that create_triagulation can use to reconstruct this triangulation. ''' return ( [t.labels for t in self], {corner.label: corner.vertex.label for corner in self.corners}, {vertex.label: vertex.filled for vertex in self.vertices} )
def __reduce__(self): # Triangulations are already pickleable but this results in a much smaller pickle. return (create_triangulation, (self.__class__,) + self.package()) def __eq__(self, other): return self.signature == other.signature def __call__(self, geometric, algebraic=None, remove_peripheral=True): return self.lamination(geometric, algebraic, remove_peripheral)
[docs] def vertices_of_edge(self, edge_label): ''' Return the two vertices at the ends of the given edge. ''' # Refactor out? return [self.edge_lookup[edge_label].source_vertex, self.edge_lookup[~edge_label].source_vertex]
[docs] def triangles_of_edge(self, edge_label): ''' Return the two triangles containing the given edge. ''' # Refactor out? return [self.triangle_lookup[edge_label], self.triangle_lookup[~edge_label]]
[docs] def corner_of_edge(self, edge_label): ''' Return the corner opposite the given edge. ''' assert isinstance(edge_label, flipper.IntegerType) # Refactor out? return self.corner_lookup[edge_label]
[docs] def corner_class_of_vertex(self, vertex): ''' Return the corner class containing the given vertex. ''' # Refactor out? for cc in self.corner_classes: if cc[0].vertex == vertex: return cc raise ValueError('Given vertex does not correspond to a corner class.')
[docs] def opposite_corner(self, corner): ''' Return the corner opposite the given corner. ''' return self.corner_of_edge(~(corner.label))
[docs] def rotate_corner(self, corner): ''' Return the corner obtained by rotating the given corner one click anti-clockwise. ''' return self.corner_of_edge(corner.labels[1])
[docs] def iso_sig(self, preserve_orientation=False, skip=None, start_points=None): ''' Return the isomorphism signature of this triangulation as described by Ben Burton. This is a string such that two triangulations have the same signature if and only if there is a homeomorphism taking one to the other. If skip is not None then it must be an iterable containing the labels of edges to treat as boundary. If preserve_orientation is True then this identifying homeomorphism must be orientation preserving. If start_points is not None then it must be an iterable containing pairs: (edge_lable, oriented) which specifies a corner to start with and whether to orient this corner to match the orientation of the triangle. This can be used to generate signatures relative to a fixed boundary by specify an edge on that boundary (and True) as the only starting point. ''' best = ([inf], [inf], [inf]) skip = set() if skip is None else set(skip) perm_inverse = flipper.kernel.permutation.PERM3_INVERSE perm_lookup = flipper.kernel.permutation.PERM3_LOOKUP transition_perm_lookup = flipper.kernel.permutation.TRANSITION_PERM3_LOOKUP perm_reverse = flipper.kernel.Permutation([0, 2, 1]) # Set up the starting points. if start_points is None: # If we want to preserve the orientation on the surface we should only use the positive # permutations. So we should set the orientation to True. if preserve_orientation: start_points = [(label, True) for label in self.labels] else: start_points = [(label, orientation) for label in self.labels for orientation in [True, False]] for start_edge, start_orientation in start_points: start_corner = self.corner_lookup[start_edge] start_triangle = start_corner.triangle if not all(label in skip for label in start_triangle.labels): start_perm = flipper.kernel.permutation.cyclic_permutation(start_corner.side, 3).inverse() if not start_orientation: start_perm = start_perm * perm_reverse type_sequence = [] target_sequence = [] permutation_sequence = [] good = True queue = Queue() queue.put(start_triangle) triangle_labels = {start_triangle: (0, start_perm)} num_triangles_seen = 1 while not queue.empty() and good: triangle = queue.get() _, perm = triangle_labels[triangle] perm_inv = perm_inverse[perm] for j in range(3): side = perm_inv(j) target_corner = self.corner_of_edge(~triangle.labels[side]) target_triangle = target_corner.triangle target_side = target_corner.side if ~triangle.labels[side] in skip: # This edge was really a boundary edge. type_sequence.append(0) elif target_triangle not in triangle_labels: target_perm = perm * transition_perm_lookup[(target_side, side)] triangle_labels[target_triangle] = (num_triangles_seen, target_perm) queue.put(target_triangle) num_triangles_seen += 1 type_sequence.append(1) # We don't need to record the follow as they are implied. # target_sequence.append(len(queue)) # permutation_sequence.append(perm_lookup[id_perm]) else: triangle_index, _ = triangle_labels[triangle] target_index, target_perm = triangle_labels[target_triangle] k = target_perm(target_side) if target_index > triangle_index or (target_index == triangle_index and k > j): # We've not done this gluing yet. transition_perm = target_perm * transition_perm_lookup[(side, target_side)] * perm_inv type_sequence.append(2) target_sequence.append(target_index) permutation_sequence.append(perm_lookup[transition_perm]) # We can give up early if we've built something bigger than best. if type_sequence > best[0]: good = False break if good: best = min((type_sequence, target_sequence, permutation_sequence), best) char = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + '+-' type_sequence, target_sequence, permutation_sequence = best # Pad the type_sequence with 0's so that its length is a multiple of 3. type_sequence = type_sequence + [0] * (-len(type_sequence) % 3) char_type = ''.join(char[type_sequence[i] + 4 * type_sequence[i+1] + 16 * type_sequence[i+2]] for i in range(0, len(type_sequence), 3)) char_perm = ''.join(char[perm] for perm in permutation_sequence) # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index # Get the number of triangles that we encoutered. num_tri = type_sequence.count(1) + 1 if num_tri < 63: char_start = char[num_tri] char_target = ''.join(char[target] for target in target_sequence) # pylint: disable=invalid-sequence-index else: digits = int(log(num_tri) / log(64)) + 1 char_start = char[63] + char[digits] + ''.join(char[(num_tri // 64**i) % 64] for i in range(digits)) char_target = ''.join(char[(target // 64**i) % 64] for target in target_sequence for i in range(digits)) return char_start + char_type + char_target + char_perm
[docs] def is_flippable(self, edge_label): ''' Return if the given edge is flippable. An edge is flippable if and only if it lies in two distinct triangles. ''' return self.triangle_lookup[edge_label] != self.triangle_lookup[~edge_label]
[docs] def flippable_edges(self): ''' Return this list of flippable edges of this triangulation. ''' return [i for i in self.indices if self.is_flippable(i)]
[docs] def nonflippable_boundary(self, edge_label): ''' Return the label of the edge bounding the once-punctured monogon containing edge_label. The given edge must not be flippable. ''' assert not self.is_flippable(edge_label) # As edge_label is not flippable the triangle containing it must be (edge_label, ~edge_label, x). [boundary_edge] = [label for label in self.triangle_lookup[edge_label].labels if label not in (edge_label, ~edge_label)] return boundary_edge
[docs] def square_about_edge(self, edge_label): ''' Return the four edges around the given edge. The chosen edge must be flippable. ''' assert self.is_flippable(edge_label) # Given the label e, return the edges a, b, c, d in order. # # #<----------# # | a ^^ # | / | # | A / | # | / | # |b e/ d| # | / | # | / | # | / | # | / B | # | / | # V/ c | # #----------># corner_A, corner_B = self.corner_of_edge(edge_label), self.corner_of_edge(~edge_label) return [corner_A.edges[1], corner_A.edges[2], corner_B.edges[1], corner_B.edges[2]]
[docs] def flip_edge(self, edge_label): ''' Return a new triangulation obtained by flipping the given edge. The chosen edge must be flippable. ''' assert self.is_flippable(edge_label) # Use the following for reference: # #<----------# #-----------# # | a ^^ |\ | # | / | | \ | # | A / | | \ A2 | # | / | | \ | # |b e/ d| --> | \e' | # | / | | \ | # | / | | \ | # | / | | \ | # | / B | | B2 \ | # | / | | \ | # V/ c | | V| # #----------># #-----------# vertex_map = dict() for vertex in self.vertices: vertex_map[vertex] = flipper.kernel.Vertex(vertex.label, filled=vertex.filled) edge_map = dict() # Far away edges should go to an exact copy of themselves. for edge in self.positive_edges: edge_map[edge] = flipper.kernel.Edge(vertex_map[edge.source_vertex], vertex_map[edge.target_vertex], edge.label) edge_map[~edge] = ~edge_map[edge] a, b, c, d = self.square_about_edge(edge_label) # We need to label new_edge with norm(edge_label) so that self.flip_edge(i).flip_edge(~i) == self. new_edge = Edge(vertex_map[a.target_vertex], vertex_map[c.target_vertex], norm(edge_label)) triangle_A2 = Triangle([new_edge, edge_map[d], edge_map[a]]) triangle_B2 = Triangle([~new_edge, edge_map[b], edge_map[c]]) triangles = [flipper.kernel.Triangle([edge_map[edge] for edge in triangle]) for triangle in self if edge_label not in triangle.labels and ~edge_label not in triangle] return Triangulation(triangles + [triangle_A2, triangle_B2])
[docs] def relabel_edges(self, label_map): ''' Return a new triangulation obtained by relabelling the edges according to label_map. ''' if isinstance(label_map, (list, tuple)): label_map = dict(enumerate(label_map)) else: label_map = dict(label_map) # Build any missing labels. for i in self.indices: if i in label_map and ~i in label_map: pass elif i not in label_map and ~i in label_map: label_map[i] = ~label_map[~i] elif i in label_map and ~i not in label_map: label_map[~i] = ~label_map[i] else: raise flipper.AssumptionError('Missing new label for %d.' % i) vertex_map = dict() for vertex in self.vertices: vertex_map[vertex] = flipper.kernel.Vertex(vertex.label, filled=vertex.filled) edge_map = dict() # Far away edges should go to an exact copy of themselves. for edge in self.positive_edges: edge_map[edge] = flipper.kernel.Edge(vertex_map[edge.source_vertex], vertex_map[edge.target_vertex], label_map[edge.label]) edge_map[~edge] = ~edge_map[edge] triangles = [flipper.kernel.Triangle([edge_map[edge] for edge in triangle]) for triangle in self] return Triangulation(triangles)
[docs] def tree_and_dual_tree(self, respect_fillings=False): ''' Return a maximal tree in the 1--skeleton of this triangulation and a maximal tree in 1--skeleton of the dual of this triangulation. These are given as lists of Booleans signaling if each edge is in the tree. No edge is used in both the tree and the dual tree. Note that when this surface is disconnected this tree is actually a forest. ''' components = self.components() tree = [False] * self.zeta vertices_used = dict((vertex, False) for vertex in self.vertices) # Get some starting vertices. if respect_fillings: for vertex in self.vertices: if not vertex.filled: vertices_used[vertex] = True else: for component in components: for edge_label in component: vertex = self.edge_lookup[edge_label].source_vertex if not vertex.filled: vertices_used[vertex] = True break while True: for edge_index in range(self.zeta): if not tree[edge_index]: a, b = self.vertices_of_edge(edge_index) if vertices_used[a] != vertices_used[b]: tree[edge_index] = True vertices_used[a] = True vertices_used[b] = True break else: break # If there are no more to add then our tree is maximal. dual_tree = [False] * self.zeta faces_used = dict((triangle, False) for triangle in self.triangles) for component in components: faces_used[self.triangle_lookup[component[0]]] = True while True: for edge_index in range(self.zeta): if not tree[edge_index] and not dual_tree[edge_index]: a, b = self.triangles_of_edge(edge_index) if faces_used[a] != faces_used[b]: dual_tree[edge_index] = True faces_used[a] = True faces_used[b] = True break else: break # If there are no more to add then our dual tree is maximal. return tree, dual_tree
[docs] def homology_basis(self): ''' Return a basis for H_1 of the underlying punctured surface. Each element is given as a path in the dual 1--skeleton and corrsponds to a good curve. Each path will meet each edge at most once. Each pair of paths is guaranteed to meet at most once. ''' # Construct a maximal spanning tree in the 1--skeleton of the triangulation. # and a maximal spanning tree in the complement of the tree in the 1--skeleton of the dual triangulation. tree, dual_tree = self.tree_and_dual_tree() # Generators are given by edges not in the tree or the dual tree (along with some segment # in the dual tree to make it into a loop). dual_tree_indices = [edge_index for edge_index in range(self.zeta) if dual_tree[edge_index]] homology_generators = [] for edge_index in range(self.zeta): if not tree[edge_index] and not dual_tree[edge_index]: generator = [~edge_index] source, target = self.triangles_of_edge(edge_index) # Find a path in dual_tree from source to target. This is a really # inefficient way to do this. We initially define the distance to # each point to be self.num_triangles+1 which we know is larger than # any possible distance. distance = dict((triangle, self.num_triangles+1) for triangle in self.triangles) distance[source] = 0 while distance[target] == self.num_triangles+1: for edge in dual_tree_indices: # Only allowed to move in the tree. a, b = self.triangles_of_edge(edge) distance[a] = min(distance[b]+1, distance[a]) distance[b] = min(distance[a]+1, distance[b]) # Now find a way from the target back to the source by following the distance current = target while current != source: for edge in dual_tree_indices: a, b = self.triangles_of_edge(edge) if b == current and distance[a] == distance[b]-1: generator.append(edge) current = a break if a == current and distance[b] == distance[a]-1: generator.append(~edge) current = b break # We've now made a generating loop. homology_generators.append(generator) return homology_generators
[docs] def find_isometry(self, other, label_map, respect_fillings=True): ''' Return the isometry from this triangulation to other defined by label_map. label_map must be a dictionary mapping self.labels to other.labels. Labels may be omitted if they are determined by other given ones and these will be found automatically. Assumes (and checks) that such an isometry exists and is unique. ''' assert isinstance(label_map, dict) # Make a local copy as we may need to make a lot of changes. label_map = dict(label_map) source_orders = dict((corner.label, len(corner_class)) for corner_class in self.corner_classes for corner in corner_class) target_orders = dict((corner.label, len(corner_class)) for corner_class in other.corner_classes for corner in corner_class) # We do a depth first search extending the corner map across the triangulation. # This is a stack of labels that may still have consequences to check. to_process = [(edge_from_label, label_map[edge_from_label]) for edge_from_label in label_map] while to_process: from_label, to_label = to_process.pop() neighbours = [ (~from_label, ~to_label), (self.corner_lookup[from_label].labels[1], other.corner_lookup[to_label].labels[1]) ] for new_from_label, new_to_label in neighbours: if new_from_label in label_map: # Check that this map is still consistent. if new_to_label != label_map[new_from_label]: raise flipper.AssumptionError('This label_map does not extend to an isometry.') else: # Extend the map. if source_orders[new_from_label] != target_orders[new_to_label] or respect_fillings and self.vertex_lookup[new_from_label].filled != other.vertex_lookup[new_to_label].filled: raise flipper.AssumptionError('This label_map does not extend to an isometry.') label_map[new_from_label] = new_to_label to_process.append((new_from_label, new_to_label)) if any(i not in label_map for i in self.labels): raise flipper.AssumptionError('This label_map cannot be extended to an isometry.') return flipper.kernel.Isometry(self, other, label_map)
[docs] def isometries_to(self, other, respect_fillings=True): ''' Return a list of all isometries from this triangulation to other. ''' assert isinstance(other, Triangulation) assert isinstance(respect_fillings, bool) if self.zeta != other.zeta: return [] # !?! This needs to be modified to work on disconnected surfaces. # Isometries are determined by where a single triangle is sent. # We take a corner of smallest degree. source_cc = min(self.corner_classes, key=len) source_corner = source_cc[0] # And find all the places where it could be sent so there are as few as possible to check. target_corners = [corner for target_cc in other.corner_classes for corner in target_cc if len(target_cc) == len(source_cc)] isometries = [] for target_corner in target_corners: try: isometries.append(self.find_isometry(other, {source_corner.label: target_corner.label}, respect_fillings)) except flipper.AssumptionError: pass return isometries
[docs] def self_isometries(self): ''' Returns a list of isometries taking this triangulation to itself. ''' return self.isometries_to(self)
[docs] def is_isometric_to(self, other): ''' Return if there are any orientation preserving isometries from this triangulation to other. ''' assert isinstance(other, Triangulation) return len(self.isometries_to(other)) > 0
# Laminations we can build on this triangulation.
[docs] def lamination(self, geometric, algebraic=None, remove_peripheral=True): ''' Return a new lamination on this surface assigning the specified weight to each edge. ''' if remove_peripheral: # Compute how much peripheral component there is on each corner class. # This will also check that the triangle inequalities are satisfied. When # they fail one of peripheral.values() is negative, which is non-zero and # so triggers the correction. def dual_weight(corner): ''' Return double the weight of normal arc corresponding to the given corner. ''' return geometric[corner.indices[1]] + geometric[corner.indices[2]] - geometric[corner.index] peripheral = dict((vertex, min(dual_weight(corner) for corner in self.corner_class_of_vertex(vertex))) for vertex in self.vertices) if any(peripheral.values()): # Is there any to add / remove? # Really should be geometric[i] - sum(peripheral[v]) / 2 but we can't do division in a ring. geometric = [2*geometric[i] - sum(peripheral[v] for v in self.vertices_of_edge(i)) for i in range(self.zeta)] if all(entry % 2 == 0 for entry in geometric): geometric = [entry // 2 for entry in geometric] if algebraic is not None: return flipper.kernel.Lamination(self, geometric, algebraic) else: lamination = flipper.kernel.Lamination(self, geometric, [0] * self.zeta) # If we have a curve we should compute the algebraic intersection numbers. # Note that if the curve is not twistable then its algebraic intersection numbers # are all zero and so we can just return lamination. if lamination.is_curve() and lamination.is_twistable(): conjugation = lamination.conjugate_short() short_lamination = conjugation(lamination) triangulation = short_lamination.triangulation # Grab the indices of the two edges we meet. e1, e2 = [edge_index for edge_index in range(short_lamination.zeta) if short_lamination(edge_index) > 0] a, b, c, d = triangulation.square_about_edge(e1) # If the curve is going vertically through the square then ... if short_lamination(a) == 1 and short_lamination(c) == 1: # swap the labels round so it goes horizontally. e1, e2 = e2, e1 a, b, c, d = triangulation.square_about_edge(e1) elif short_lamination(b) == 1 and short_lamination(d) == 1: pass # Currently short_lamination.algebraic == [0, 0, ..., 0]. # So we need to build a new short_lamination with the correct algebraic intersection numbers. geometric = short_lamination.geometric algebraic = [1 if i == e1 else -b.sign() if i == b.index else 0 for i in range(self.zeta)] new_short_lamination = flipper.kernel.Lamination(triangulation, geometric, algebraic) return conjugation.inverse()(new_short_lamination) else: return lamination
[docs] def empty_lamination(self): ''' Return an empty lamination on this surface. ''' return self.lamination([0] * self.zeta, [0] * self.zeta)
[docs] def random_curve(self, num_flips): ''' Return a random curve on this surface. ''' h = self.id_encoding() for _ in range(num_flips): T = h.target_triangulation h = T.encode_flip(choice(T.flippable_edges())) * h c = h.target_triangulation.key_curves()[0] return h.inverse()(c)
[docs] def key_curves(self): ''' Return a list of curves which fill the underlying surface and include a basis for H_1(S). As these fill, by Alexander's trick a mapping class is the identity if and only if it fixes all of them, including orientation. ''' curves = [] for edge_index in self.indices: # Build the curve which is the boundary of a regular neighbourhood of this edge. endpoints = self.vertices_of_edge(edge_index) # If the given edge actually forms a loop then we will build two curves, one for # each side of the regular neighbourhood. if len(set(endpoints)) == 1: left = False geometric = [[0] * self.zeta, [0] * self.zeta] algebraic = [[0] * self.zeta, [0] * self.zeta] for corner in self.corner_class_of_vertex(endpoints[0]): # They are the same so it doesn't matter which we take. index = corner.indices[2] if index == edge_index: left = not left else: geometric[0 if left else 1][index] += 1 algebraic[0 if left else 1][index] += 1 if index == corner.labels[2] else -1 curves.append(self.lamination(geometric[0], algebraic[0])) curves.append(self.lamination(geometric[1], algebraic[1])) else: geometric = [0] * self.zeta algebraic = [0] * self.zeta for vertex in endpoints: for corner in self.corner_class_of_vertex(vertex): index = corner.indices[2] geometric[index] += 1 algebraic[index] += 1 if index == corner.labels[2] else -1 geometric[edge_index] = 0 algebraic[edge_index] = 0 if not self.is_flippable(edge_index): # We also need to zero out the curve enclosing this edge. boundary_edge = norm(self.nonflippable_boundary(edge_index)) geometric[boundary_edge] = 0 algebraic[boundary_edge] = 0 curves.append(self.lamination(geometric, algebraic)) # Now add in paths to make sure we have the homology basis covered. for path in self.homology_basis(): geometric = [0] * self.zeta algebraic = [0] * self.zeta for step in path: geometric[norm(step)] += 1 algebraic[norm(step)] += +1 if norm(step) == step else -1 curves.append(self.lamination(geometric, algebraic)) # Filter out any empty laminations that we get. return [curve for curve in curves if not curve.is_empty()]
[docs] def id_isometry(self): ''' Return the isometry representing the identity map. ''' return flipper.kernel.Isometry(self, self, dict((i, i) for i in self.labels))
[docs] def id_encoding(self): ''' Return an encoding of the identity map on this triangulation. ''' return self.id_isometry().encode()
[docs] def encode_flip(self, edge_label): ''' Return an encoding of the effect of flipping the given edge. The given edge must be flippable. ''' assert self.is_flippable(edge_label) new_triangulation = self.flip_edge(edge_label) return flipper.kernel.EdgeFlip(self, new_triangulation, edge_label).encode()
[docs] def encode_relabel_edges(self, label_map): ''' Return an encoding of the effect of flipping the given edge. ''' if isinstance(label_map, (list, tuple)): label_map = dict(enumerate(label_map)) else: label_map = dict(label_map) # Build any missing labels. for i in self.indices: if i in label_map and ~i in label_map: pass elif i not in label_map and ~i in label_map: label_map[i] = ~label_map[~i] elif i in label_map and ~i not in label_map: label_map[~i] = ~label_map[i] else: raise flipper.AssumptionError('Missing new label for %d.' % i) new_triangulation = self.relabel_edges(label_map) return flipper.kernel.Isometry(self, new_triangulation, label_map).encode()
[docs] def encode(self, sequence, _cache=None): ''' Return the encoding given by sequence. This consists of EdgeFlips, Isometries and LinearTransformations. Furthermore there are several conventions that allow these to be specified by a smaller amount of information. - An integer x represents EdgeFlip(..., edge_label=x) - A dictionary which has i or ~i as a key (for every i) represents a relabelling. - A dictionary which is missing i and ~i (for some i) represents an isometry back to this triangulation. - None represents the identity isometry. This sequence is read in reverse in order respect composition. For example ``self.encode([1, {1: ~2}, 2, 3, ~4])`` is the mapping class which: flips edge ~4, then 3, then 2, then relabels back to the starting triangulation via the isometry which takes 1 to ~2 and then finally flips edge 1. ''' assert isinstance(sequence, (list, tuple)) if sequence: h = None for item in reversed(sequence): if isinstance(item, flipper.IntegerType): # Flip. if h is None: h = self.encode_flip(item) else: h = h.target_triangulation.encode_flip(item) * h elif isinstance(item, dict): # Isometry. if h is None: h = self.encode_relabel_edges(item) elif all(i in item or ~i in item for i in self.indices): h = h.target_triangulation.encode_relabel_edges(item) * h else: # If some edges are missing then we assume that we must be mapping back to this triangulation. h = h.target_triangulation.find_isometry(self, item).encode() * h elif item is None: # Identity isometry. if h is None: h = self.id_encoding() else: h = h.target_triangulation.id_encoding() * h elif isinstance(item, flipper.kernel.Encoding): # Encoding. if h is None: h = item else: h = item * h elif isinstance(item, flipper.kernel.Move): # Move. if h is None: h = item.encode() else: h = item.encode() * h else: # Other. if h is None: h = item.encode() else: h = item.encode() * h else: h = self.id_encoding() # Install a cache if we were given one. if _cache is not None: h._cache = _cache return h
[docs] def encode_flips_and_close(self, edge_labels, edge_from_label, edge_to_label): ''' DEPRECIATED: Return an encoding of the effect of flipping the given sequences of edges followed by an isometry. The isometry used is the one taking edge_from_label to edge_to_label. This function has been depreciated in favour of self.encode(). It is equivalent to ``self.encode([{edge_from_label: edge_to_label}] + list(reversed(edge_labels)))``. Note that edge_labels needs to be reversed in order to match the order of composition used in self.encode(). ''' assert isinstance(edge_labels, (list, tuple)) assert all(isinstance(label, flipper.IntegerType) for label in edge_labels) assert isinstance(edge_from_label, flipper.IntegerType) assert isinstance(edge_to_label, flipper.IntegerType) E = self.encode(list(reversed(edge_labels))) return E.target_triangulation.find_isometry(self, {edge_from_label: edge_to_label}).encode() * E
[docs] def all_flips(self, depth, prefix=None): ''' Return all flip sequences of at most the given number of flips. ''' assert isinstance(depth, flipper.IntegerType) def generator(T, d, flippable): ''' Return the sequences of at most d flips from this triangulation where only the specified edges are flippable. ''' for i in flippable: if d >= 1: yield [i] T2 = T.flip_edge(i) square = [edge.index for edge in T.square_about_edge(i)] new_flippable = [j for j in T2.flippable_edges() if (j > i and j in flippable) or j in square] for suffix in generator(T.flip_edge(i), d-1, new_flippable): yield [i] + suffix prefix = [] if prefix is None else list(prefix) flippable = self.flippable_edges() T = self for item in prefix: square = [edge.index for edge in T.square_about_edge(item)] T = T.flip_edge(item) flippable = [j for j in T.flippable_edges() if (j > item and j in flippable) or j in square] yield prefix for sequence in generator(T, depth - len(prefix), flippable): yield prefix + sequence
[docs] def all_encodings(self, depth, prefix=None): ''' Return all encodings that can be defined by at most the given number of flips. ''' prefix = [] if prefix is None else list(prefix) for sequence in self.all_flips(depth, prefix): yield self.encode(list(reversed(sequence)) + list(reversed(prefix)))
[docs] def all_mapping_classes(self, depth, prefix=None): ''' Return all mapping classes that can be defined by at most the given number of flips followed by one isometry. ''' assert isinstance(depth, flipper.IntegerType) for encoding in self.all_encodings(depth, prefix): for isom in encoding.closing_isometries(): yield isom.encode() * encoding
[docs] def components(self): ''' Return a list of pairs (connected component of self, embedding). ''' remaining_labels = set(self.labels) components = [] while remaining_labels: to_process = [remaining_labels.pop()] component = set(to_process) while to_process: label = to_process.pop() neighbours = [~label, self.corner_lookup[label].labels[1]] for new_label in neighbours: if new_label not in component: remaining_labels.remove(new_label) component.add(new_label) to_process.append(new_label) components.append(list(component)) return components
def create_triangulation(cls, edge_labels, vertex_labels=None, vertex_states=None): ''' A helper function for pickling. ''' return cls.from_tuple(edge_labels, vertex_labels, vertex_states)