Source code for flipper.kernel.bundle

''' A module for representing triangulations of surface bundles over the circle.

Provides one class: Bundle. '''

import flipper

[docs]class Bundle: ''' This represents a triangulation of a surface bundle over the circle. It is specified by a triangulation of the surface, a triangulation of the bundle and an immersion map. Mapping classes can build their bundles and this is the standard way users are expected to create these. ''' def __init__(self, triangulation, triangulation3, immersion): assert isinstance(triangulation, flipper.kernel.Triangulation) assert isinstance(triangulation3, flipper.kernel.Triangulation3) assert isinstance(immersion, dict) assert all(triangle in immersion for triangle in triangulation) assert all(isinstance(immersion[triangle], (list, tuple)) for triangle in triangulation) assert all(len(immersion[triangle]) == 2 for triangle in triangulation) assert all(isinstance(immersion[triangle][0], flipper.kernel.Tetrahedron) for triangle in triangulation) assert all(isinstance(immersion[triangle][1], flipper.kernel.Permutation) for triangle in triangulation) self.triangulation = triangulation self.triangulation3 = triangulation3 self.immersion = immersion # This is a dict mapping: # triangle |---> (tetrahedra, perm). assert self.triangulation3.is_closed() def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return str(self.triangulation3)
[docs] def snappy_string(self, name='flipper_triangulation', filled=True): ''' Return the SnapPy string describing this triangulation. If filled=True then the fake cusps are filled along their fibre slope. ''' fillings = [slope if filled_cusp else (0, 0) for filled_cusp, slope in zip(self.cusp_types(), self.fibre_slopes())] if filled else None return self.triangulation3.snappy_string(name, fillings)
def __snappy__(self): return self.snappy_string()
[docs] def cusp_types(self): ''' Return the list of the type of each cusp. ''' cusp_types = [None] * self.triangulation3.num_cusps for corner_class in self.triangulation.corner_classes: vertex = corner_class[0].vertex filled = vertex.filled for corner in corner_class: tetrahedron, permutation = self.immersion[corner.triangle] index = tetrahedron.cusp_indices[permutation(corner.side)] if cusp_types[index] is None: cusp_types[index] = filled else: assert cusp_types[index] == filled return cusp_types
[docs] def fibre_slopes(self): ''' Return the list of fibre slopes on each cusp. ''' LONGITUDES, MERIDIANS = flipper.kernel.triangulation3.LONGITUDES, flipper.kernel.triangulation3.MERIDIANS slopes = [None] * self.triangulation3.num_cusps for index in range(self.triangulation3.num_cusps): meridian_intersection, longitude_intersection = 0, 0 for corner_class in self.triangulation.corner_classes: corner = corner_class[0] tetra, perm = self.immersion[corner.triangle] if tetra.cusp_indices[perm(corner.side)] == index: for corner in corner_class: tetra, perm = self.immersion[corner.triangle] side, other = perm(corner.side), perm(3) meridian_intersection += tetra.peripheral_curves[MERIDIANS][side][other] longitude_intersection += tetra.peripheral_curves[LONGITUDES][side][other] slopes[index] = (longitude_intersection, -meridian_intersection) break else: raise RuntimeError('No vertex was mapped to this cusp.') return slopes
[docs] def degeneracy_slopes(self): ''' Return the list of degeneracy slopes on each cusp. This triangulation is must be veering. ''' assert self.triangulation3.is_veering() VEERING_LEFT, VEERING_RIGHT = flipper.kernel.triangulation3.VEERING_LEFT, flipper.kernel.triangulation3.VEERING_RIGHT TEMPS = flipper.kernel.triangulation3.TEMPS VERTICES_MEETING = flipper.kernel.triangulation3.VERTICES_MEETING EXIT_CUSP_LEFT, EXIT_CUSP_RIGHT = flipper.kernel.triangulation3.EXIT_CUSP_LEFT, flipper.kernel.triangulation3.EXIT_CUSP_RIGHT slopes = [None] * self.triangulation3.num_cusps cusp_pairing = self.triangulation3.cusp_identification_map() for index, cusp in enumerate(self.triangulation3.cusps): self.triangulation3.clear_temp_peripheral_structure() # Set the degeneracy curve into the TEMPS peripheral structure. # First find a good starting point: start_tetrahedron, start_side = cusp[0] edge_labels = [start_tetrahedron.get_edge_label(start_side, other) for other in VERTICES_MEETING[start_side]] for i in range(3): if edge_labels[(i+1) % 3] == VEERING_RIGHT and edge_labels[(i+2) % 3] == VEERING_LEFT: start_other = VERTICES_MEETING[start_side][i] break # Then walk around, never crossing through an edge where both ends veer the same way. current_tetrahedron, current_side, current_other = start_tetrahedron, start_side, start_other while True: current_tetrahedron.peripheral_curves[TEMPS][current_side][current_other] += 1 if start_tetrahedron.get_edge_label(current_side, current_other) == VEERING_LEFT: leave = EXIT_CUSP_LEFT[(current_side, current_other)] else: leave = EXIT_CUSP_RIGHT[(current_side, current_other)] current_tetrahedron.peripheral_curves[TEMPS][current_side][leave] -= 1 current_tetrahedron, current_side, current_other = cusp_pairing[(current_tetrahedron, current_side, leave)] if (current_tetrahedron, current_side, current_other) == (start_tetrahedron, start_side, start_other): break slopes[index] = self.triangulation3.slope() return slopes