Source code for flipper.kernel.moves

''' A module for representing basic ways of changing triangulations.

Provides three classes: Isometry, EdgeFlip and LinearTransformation.

Perhaps in the future we will add a Spiral move so that curves can be
shortened in polynomial time. '''

import flipper

[docs]class Move: ''' This represents an abstract move between triangulations and provides the framework for subclassing. ''' def __init__(self, source_triangulation, target_triangulation): assert isinstance(source_triangulation, flipper.kernel.Triangulation) assert isinstance(target_triangulation, flipper.kernel.Triangulation) self.source_triangulation = source_triangulation self.target_triangulation = target_triangulation self.zeta = self.source_triangulation.zeta def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __call__(self, other): if isinstance(other, flipper.kernel.Lamination): if other.triangulation != self.source_triangulation: raise TypeError('Cannot apply Isometry to a lamination not on the source triangulation.') return self.target_triangulation.lamination( self.apply_geometric(other.geometric), self.apply_algebraic(other.algebraic), remove_peripheral=False) else: return NotImplemented
[docs] def apply_geometric(self, vector): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use ''' Return the list of geometric intersection numbers corresponding to the image of the given lamination under self. ''' return NotImplemented
[docs] def apply_algebraic(self, vector): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use ''' Return the list of algebraic intersection numbers corresponding to the image of the given lamination under self. ''' return NotImplemented
[docs] def encode(self): ''' Return the Encoding induced by this isometry. ''' return flipper.kernel.Encoding([self])
[docs]class Isometry(Move): ''' This represents an isometry from one Triangulation to another. Triangulations can create the isometries between themselves and this is the standard way users are expected to create these. ''' def __init__(self, source_triangulation, target_triangulation, label_map): ''' This represents an isometry from source_triangulation to target_triangulation. It is given by a map taking each edge label of source_triangulation to a label of target_triangulation. ''' assert isinstance(label_map, dict) super().__init__(source_triangulation, target_triangulation) self.label_map = dict(label_map) self.flip_length = 0 # The number of flips needed to realise this move. # If we are missing any labels then use a depth first search to find the missing ones. # Hmmm, should always we do this just to check consistency? for i in self.source_triangulation.labels: if i not in self.label_map: raise flipper.AssumptionError('This label_map not defined on edge %d.' % i) self.index_map = dict((i, flipper.kernel.norm(self.label_map[i])) for i in self.source_triangulation.indices) # Store the inverses too while we're at it. self.inverse_label_map = dict((self.label_map[i], i) for i in self.source_triangulation.labels) self.inverse_index_map = dict((i, flipper.kernel.norm(self.inverse_label_map[i])) for i in self.source_triangulation.indices) self.inverse_signs = dict((i, +1 if self.inverse_index_map[i] == self.inverse_label_map[i] else -1) for i in self.source_triangulation.indices) def __str__(self): return 'Isometry ' + str([self.target_triangulation.edge_lookup[self.label_map[i]] for i in self.source_triangulation.indices]) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.source_triangulation, self.target_triangulation, self.label_map)) def __len__(self): return 1 # The number of pieces of this move.
[docs] def package(self): ''' Return a small amount of data such that self.source_triangulation.encode([data]) == self.encode(). ''' if not all(self.label_map[i] == i for i in self.source_triangulation.indices): # If self is not the identity isometry. return {i: self.label_map[i] for i in self.source_triangulation.labels} else: return None
[docs] def apply_geometric(self, vector): return [vector[self.inverse_index_map[i]] for i in range(self.zeta)]
[docs] def apply_algebraic(self, vector): return [vector[self.inverse_index_map[i]] * self.inverse_signs[i] for i in range(self.zeta)]
[docs] def inverse(self): ''' Return the inverse of this isometry. ''' # inverse_corner_map = dict((self(corner), corner) for corner in self.corner_map) return Isometry(self.target_triangulation, self.source_triangulation, self.inverse_label_map)
[docs] def applied_geometric(self, lamination, action): ''' Return the action and condition matrices describing the PL map applied to the geometric coordinates of the given lamination after post-multiplying by the action matrix. ''' assert isinstance(lamination, flipper.kernel.Lamination) assert isinstance(action, flipper.kernel.Matrix) return flipper.kernel.Matrix([action[self.inverse_index_map[i]] for i in range(self.zeta)]), flipper.kernel.zero_matrix(0)
[docs] def pl_action(self, index, action): ''' Return the action and condition matrices describing the PL map applied to the geometric coordinates by the cell of the specified index after post-multiplying by the action matrix. ''' assert isinstance(index, flipper.IntegerType) assert isinstance(action, flipper.kernel.Matrix) return (flipper.kernel.Matrix([action[self.inverse_index_map[i]] for i in range(self.zeta)]), flipper.kernel.zero_matrix(0))
[docs] def extend_bundle(self, triangulation3, tetra_count, upper_triangulation, lower_triangulation, upper_map, lower_map): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, too-many-arguments ''' Modify triangulation3 to extend the embedding of upper_triangulation via upper_map under this move. ''' maps_to_triangle = lambda X: isinstance(X[0], flipper.kernel.Triangle) # These are the new maps onto the upper and lower boundary that we will build. new_upper_map = dict() new_lower_map = dict() # We are allowed to leave blanks in new_lower_map. for triangle in upper_triangulation: new_triangle = self.target_triangulation.triangle_lookup[self.label_map[triangle.labels[0]]] new_corner = self.target_triangulation.corner_lookup[self.label_map[triangle.corners[0].label]] perm = flipper.kernel.permutation.cyclic_permutation(new_corner.side - 0, 3) old_target, old_perm = upper_map[triangle] if maps_to_triangle(upper_map[triangle]): new_upper_map[new_triangle] = (old_target, old_perm * perm.inverse()) # Don't forget to update the lower_map too. new_lower_map[old_target] = (new_triangle, perm * old_perm.inverse()) else: new_upper_map[new_triangle] = (old_target, old_perm * perm.inverse().embed(4)) # Remember to rebuild the rest of lower_map, which hasn't changed. for triangle in lower_triangulation: if triangle not in new_lower_map: new_lower_map[triangle] = lower_map[triangle] return tetra_count, self.target_triangulation, new_upper_map, new_lower_map
[docs]class EdgeFlip(Move): ''' Represents the change to a lamination caused by flipping an edge. ''' def __init__(self, source_triangulation, target_triangulation, edge_label): super().__init__(source_triangulation, target_triangulation) assert isinstance(edge_label, flipper.IntegerType) self.flip_length = 1 # The number of flips needed to realise this move. self.edge_label = edge_label self.edge_index = flipper.kernel.norm(self.edge_label) self.zeta = self.source_triangulation.zeta assert self.source_triangulation.is_flippable(self.edge_index) self.square = self.source_triangulation.square_about_edge(self.edge_label) def __str__(self): return 'Flip %s%d' % ('' if self.edge_index == self.edge_label else '~', self.edge_index) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.source_triangulation, self.target_triangulation, self.edge_label)) def __len__(self): return 2 # The number of pieces of this move.
[docs] def package(self): ''' Return a small amount of data such that self.source_triangulation.encode([data]) == self.encode(). ''' return self.edge_label
[docs] def apply_geometric(self, vector): a, b, c, d = self.square m = max(vector[a.index] + vector[c.index], vector[b.index] + vector[d.index]) - vector[self.edge_index] return [vector[i] if i != self.edge_index else m for i in range(self.zeta)]
[docs] def apply_algebraic(self, vector): a, b, c, d = self.square m = b.sign() * vector[b.index] + c.sign() * vector[c.index] return [vector[i] if i != self.edge_index else m for i in range(self.zeta)]
[docs] def inverse(self): ''' Return the inverse of this map. ''' return EdgeFlip(self.target_triangulation, self.source_triangulation, ~self.edge_label)
[docs] def applied_geometric(self, lamination, action): ''' Return the action and condition matrices describing the PL map applied to the geometric coordinates of the given lamination after post-multiplying by the action matrix. ''' assert isinstance(lamination, flipper.kernel.Lamination) assert isinstance(action, flipper.kernel.Matrix) a, b, c, d, e = [edge.index for edge in self.square] + [self.edge_index] rows = [list(row) for row in action] if lamination(a) + lamination(c) >= lamination(b) + lamination(d): rows[e] = [rows[a][i] + rows[c][i] - rows[e][i] for i in range(self.zeta)] Cs = flipper.kernel.Matrix([[action[a][i] + action[c][i] - action[b][i] - action[d][i] for i in range(self.zeta)]]) else: rows[e] = [rows[b][i] + rows[d][i] - rows[e][i] for i in range(self.zeta)] Cs = flipper.kernel.Matrix([[action[b][i] + action[d][i] - action[a][i] - action[c][i] for i in range(self.zeta)]]) return flipper.kernel.Matrix(rows), Cs
[docs] def pl_action(self, index, action): ''' Return the action and condition matrices describing the PL map applied to the geometric coordinates by the cell of the specified index after post-multiplying by the action matrix. ''' assert isinstance(index, flipper.IntegerType) assert isinstance(action, flipper.kernel.Matrix) a, b, c, d, e = [edge.index for edge in self.square] + [self.edge_index] rows = [list(row) for row in action] if index == 0: rows[e] = [rows[a][i] + rows[c][i] - rows[e][i] for i in range(self.zeta)] Cs = flipper.kernel.Matrix([[action[a][i] + action[c][i] - action[b][i] - action[d][i] for i in range(self.zeta)]]) elif index == 1: rows[e] = [rows[b][i] + rows[d][i] - rows[e][i] for i in range(self.zeta)] Cs = flipper.kernel.Matrix([[action[b][i] + action[d][i] - action[a][i] - action[c][i] for i in range(self.zeta)]]) else: raise IndexError('Index out of range.') return flipper.kernel.Matrix(rows), Cs
[docs] def extend_bundle(self, triangulation3, tetra_count, upper_triangulation, lower_triangulation, upper_map, lower_map): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments ''' Modify triangulation3 to extend the embedding of upper_triangulation via upper_map under this move. ''' assert upper_triangulation == self.source_triangulation # We use these two functions to quickly tell what a triangle maps to. maps_to_triangle = lambda X: isinstance(X[0], flipper.kernel.Triangle) maps_to_tetrahedron = lambda X: not maps_to_triangle(X) # These are the new maps onto the upper and lower boundary that we will build. new_upper_map = dict() new_lower_map = dict() # We are allowed to leave blanks in new_lower_map. # These will be filled in at the end using lower_map. new_upper_triangulation = self.target_triangulation VEERING_LEFT, VEERING_RIGHT = flipper.kernel.triangulation3.VEERING_LEFT, flipper.kernel.triangulation3.VEERING_RIGHT # Get the next tetrahedra to add. tetrahedron = triangulation3.tetrahedra[tetra_count] # Setup the next tetrahedron. tetrahedron.edge_labels[(0, 1)] = VEERING_RIGHT tetrahedron.edge_labels[(1, 2)] = VEERING_LEFT tetrahedron.edge_labels[(2, 3)] = VEERING_RIGHT tetrahedron.edge_labels[(0, 3)] = VEERING_LEFT edge_label = self.edge_label # The edge to flip. # We'll glue it into the core_triangulation so that it's 1--3 edge lies over edge_label. # WARNINNG: This is reliant on knowing how flipper.kernel.Triangulation.flip_edge() relabels things! cornerA = upper_triangulation.corner_of_edge(edge_label) cornerB = upper_triangulation.corner_of_edge(~edge_label) # We'll need to swap sides on an inverse edge so our convertions below work. if edge_label != self.edge_index: cornerA, cornerB = cornerB, cornerA (A, side_A), (B, side_B) = (cornerA.triangle, cornerA.side), (cornerB.triangle, cornerB.side) if maps_to_tetrahedron(upper_map[A]): tetra, perm = upper_map[A] tetrahedron.glue(2, tetra, flipper.kernel.permutation.permutation_from_pair(0, perm(side_A), 2, perm(3))) else: tri, perm = upper_map[A] new_lower_map[tri] = (tetrahedron, flipper.kernel.permutation.permutation_from_pair(perm(side_A), 0, 3, 2)) if maps_to_tetrahedron(upper_map[B]): tetra, perm = upper_map[B] # The permutation needs to: 2 |--> perm(3), 0 |--> perm(side_A), and be odd. tetrahedron.glue(0, tetra, flipper.kernel.permutation.permutation_from_pair(2, perm(side_B), 0, perm(3))) else: tri, perm = upper_map[B] new_lower_map[tri] = (tetrahedron, flipper.kernel.permutation.permutation_from_pair(perm(side_B), 2, 3, 0)) # Rebuild the upper_map. new_cornerA = new_upper_triangulation.corner_of_edge(edge_label) new_cornerB = new_upper_triangulation.corner_of_edge(~edge_label) new_A, new_B = new_cornerA.triangle, new_cornerB.triangle # Most of the triangles have stayed the same. # This relies on knowing how the upper_triangulation.flip_edge() function works. old_fixed_triangles = [triangle for triangle in upper_triangulation if triangle not in (A, B)] new_fixed_triangles = [triangle for triangle in new_upper_triangulation if triangle not in (new_A, new_B)] for old_triangle, new_triangle in zip(old_fixed_triangles, new_fixed_triangles): new_upper_map[new_triangle] = upper_map[old_triangle] if maps_to_triangle(upper_map[old_triangle]): # Don't forget to update the lower_map too. target_triangle, perm = upper_map[old_triangle] new_lower_map[target_triangle] = (new_triangle, perm.inverse()) # This relies on knowing how the upper_triangulation.flip_edge() function works. perm_A = flipper.kernel.permutation.cyclic_permutation(new_upper_triangulation.corner_of_edge(edge_label).side, 3) perm_B = flipper.kernel.permutation.cyclic_permutation(new_upper_triangulation.corner_of_edge(~edge_label).side, 3) new_upper_map[new_A] = (tetrahedron, flipper.kernel.Permutation((3, 0, 2, 1)) * perm_A.embed(4).inverse()) new_upper_map[new_B] = (tetrahedron, flipper.kernel.Permutation((1, 2, 0, 3)) * perm_B.embed(4).inverse()) # Remember to rebuild the rest of lower_map, which hasn't changed. for triangle in lower_triangulation: if triangle not in new_lower_map: new_lower_map[triangle] = lower_map[triangle] return tetra_count+1, self.target_triangulation, new_upper_map, new_lower_map
[docs]class LinearTransformation(Move): ''' Represents the change to a lamination caused by a linear map. ''' def __init__(self, source_triangulation, target_triangulation, geometric, algebraic): super().__init__(source_triangulation, target_triangulation) assert isinstance(geometric, flipper.kernel.Matrix) assert isinstance(algebraic, flipper.kernel.Matrix) self.flip_length = 0 # The number of flips needed to realise this move. self.geometric = geometric self.algebraic = algebraic def __str__(self): return str(self.geometric) + str(self.algebraic) def __len__(self): return 1 # The number of pieces of this move.
[docs] def package(self): ''' Return a small amount of data such that self.source_triangulation.encode([data]) == self.encode(). ''' return self
[docs] def apply_geometric(self, vector): return self.geometric(vector)
[docs] def apply_algebraic(self, vector): return self.algebraic(vector)
[docs] def inverse(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use ''' Return the inverse of this map. Note that these do not exist and so NotImplemented is returned. ''' return NotImplemented
[docs] def applied_geometric(self, lamination, action): ''' Return the action and condition matrices describing the PL map applied to the geometric coordinates of the given lamination after post-multiplying by the action matrix. ''' assert isinstance(lamination, flipper.kernel.Lamination) assert isinstance(action, flipper.kernel.Matrix) return self.geometric * action, flipper.kernel.zero_matrix(0)
[docs] def pl_action(self, index, action): ''' Return the action and condition matrices describing the PL map applied to the geometric coordinates by the cell of the specified index after post-multiplying by the action matrix. ''' assert isinstance(index, flipper.IntegerType) assert isinstance(action, flipper.kernel.Matrix) return (self.geometric * action, flipper.kernel.zero_matrix(0))